It’s official!

After our first AGM Friend’s of Tottenhall Recreation Ground and Boundary Playing Fields is now official. We signed off a constitution which will be uploaded to the website shortly and elected a chair (Kristiana Heapy), treasurer (Kerry Bearman) and secretary (Aimee Morris) who all live very close to the park and use it regularly.

We have lots of exciting and ambitious ideas including improving play equipment, access, bins and hopefully even a café. It will take a long time but we believe anything is possible.

At the AGM we talked about wanting to engage more people in the group and to be sure that everyone who lives close to, or regularly uses the park, has the opportunity to engage with the group and tell us what they want. Our next steps are to find a way to do this by sending leaflets and taking the opportunity to write for local news outlets and getting in touch with other groups in the area.

The online survey is still open here and you can also email any thoughts


Enfield Council consults on new park strategy


Join us for our first AGM